आईवीएफ़ (IVF) क्या हैं और जानिये ५ गलतफहमीया आईवीएफ़ के बारेमें और उनकें जवाब | Dr. Chinmay Pataki

IVF is a wondeful science which helps infertile couple to achieve pregnancy and yet lot of patients have misconceptions about IVF. This video will help you understand IVF in a simple language and it will also clear the misconceptions surrounding the IVF treatment.

Clinic Address :
Isha Women’s hospital 
Globe pinnacle towers 
Near Pendharkar college gate
Dombivli east

For appointments call (+91) 7977873974

website : www.ishawomenhospital.com
Facebook page : Dr. Chinmay Pataki's Isha Women's Hospital