Social egg freezing : The 21st Century way to empower young Indian women ( Dated : Jul 22, 2024 )


Social Egg Freezing: A Service Offered by Isha Women's Hospital

In the contemporary, continuously transforming environment, the trend of women opting to prioritize their professional endeavors, self-development, and varied life experiences prior to commencing a family has markedly increased. The method of social egg freezing now presents itself as a pivotal innovation, enabling women the option to postpone childbirth until they find themselves adequately prepared. This practice, accessible at esteemed establishments such as Isha Women's Hospital in Dombivli, furnishes an essential avenue for individuals endeavoring to maintain equilibrium between their vocational aspirations and private lives whilst securing their fertility.

 Examining Social Egg Freezing

Social egg freezing is a procedure entailing the extraction and conservation of a woman's oocytes at a younger age, which can subsequently be utilized for in vitro fertilization (IVF) when the decision to conceive is made. This technique proves particularly advantageous for women confronting health issues, undergoing fertility-impairing treatments, or those opting to delay pregnancy for personal considerations.

 Isha Women’s Hospital: A Forefront Institution in Fertility Services

Social egg freezing at Isha Women's Hospital in Dombivli is conducted within an advanced IVF laboratory, ensuring superior care standards and enhanced success rates. The hospital’s dedication to employing state-of-the-art technology and methodologies illustrates its stature as a paramount IVF center in Dombivli.

Dr. Chinmay Pataki, a distinguished fertility expert at Isha Women’s Hospital, provides crucial guidance throughout the egg freezing procedure. His profound knowledge combined with a considerate approach allows for individualized care tailored to meet the unique requirements and apprehensions of each patient.

The Methodology for egg freezing at Isha Women's Hospital

1. Initial Consultation and Evaluation: Commencing with a thorough consultation, Dr. Chinmay Pataki assesses the woman’s medical condition and fertility status, crafting a treatment strategy in alignment with her tailored objectives.

2. Ovarian Stimulation: The patient undergoes a hormonal treatment cycle aimed at stimulating the ovaries, prompting the development of multiple oocytes.

3. Oocyte Retrieval: Upon maturation, the oocytes are extracted from the ovaries through a minimally invasive procedure. Patient requires a very mild form of anaesthesia during this procedure and we send the patient home within couple of hours after completion of the procedure. Patient can resume their daily work from the very next day without any discomfort.

4. Cryopreservation and Storage: The extracted oocytes are subsequently frozen employing advanced vitrification methods and stored for prospective utilization. this procedure of vitrification , i.e freezing of eggs is the most complex procedure and experienced embryologists at Isha Women Hospital are masters in this process which ensures maximum survival for these oocytes.

5. Continued Care: Continuous monitoring and support are provided, ensuring the viability of the oocytes until the patient opts to utilize them.

Reasons for Choosing Isha Women's Hospital

Isha Women’s Hospital distinctively emerges as a superior IVF facility in Dombivli, merging advanced technological capabilities, proficient care, and compassionate assistance. The hospital’s sophisticated IVF lab ensures that the egg freezing process is executed with maximal precision and productivity.

The adeptness of Dr. Chinmay Pataki as a fertility specialist in Dombivli, coupled with the hospital’s avant-garde infrastructure, offers a fortified and proficient setting for women contemplating social egg freezing.

In summary , the social egg freezing service at Isha Women's Hospital empowers women by affording them autonomy over their reproductive choices. Supported by the expertise of professionals like Dr. Chinmay Pataki and the resources of a prominent IVF center, women are enabled to adeptly traverse their pathway to motherhood, confines of personal readiness notwithstanding.

Short Description

In social egg freezing, we collect & freeze woman's oocytes for fertility preservation.

Understanding Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) ( Dated : Jul 18, 2024 )


Understanding Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)


Infertility poses a significant challenge to numerous couples; however, advancements in medical technology have provided various interventions to facilitate the attainment of parenthood. One such intervention is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), a comparatively less complex and minimally invasive procedure relative to alternative fertility treatments. This discussion aims to elucidate the nature of IUI, the procedural mechanics, its advantages, and anticipatory guidance for patients undergoing this treatment.

 What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a clinical fertility procedure entailing the direct placement of sperm within a woman's uterine cavity at the approximate time of ovulation. The objective of IUI is to augment the quantity of sperm traversing into the fallopian tubes, thereby enhancing the probability of fertilization. This method proves particularly beneficial for those encountering male factor infertility, idiopathic infertility, or specific cervical anomalies.

The IUI Process at Isha Women's Hospital 

We at Isha women's hospital follow a detailed patient centric approach towards IUI which involves a customized tailor made protocols for IUI which in turn greatly improves success rate of IUI procedure in terms of achieving very good pregnancy rates.

The IUI process typically follows a structured sequence comprising key phases:

1. Initial Consultation and Assessment: Preceding IUI initiation, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted by our fertility specialist Dr. Chinmay Pataki, which encompasses a detailed medical history, physical assessment, and an array of fertility diagnostics for both partners.

2. Ultrasound guided Advanced follicular study and Ovulation Monitoring: Dr. Chinma Pataki is specialist in advanced ultrasound guided follicular study. He does color doppler study for each patient to determine ideal size for the follicle to be triggered for ovulation. This makes it a completely patient centric approach for IUI at Isha women hospital, Dombivli.

Precise timing of IUI with ovulation is crucial and color doppler studies for folliculometry vastly improves the accuracy for the precise timing for trigger for ovulation monitored sonography. 

3. Sperm Preparation: On the designated day of the procedure, a sperm sample is procured from the male partner or a donor. The sample undergoes a  process to concentrate motile sperm and eliminate impurities, thereby enhancing fertilization prospects. Our highly experienced team of embryologists at Isha Women's Hospital dombivli, is expert in preparation of the sperms in the most scientific way to ensure highest success rate for IUI.

4. Insemination Procedure: The processed sperm is introduced into the uterus through a slender, flexible catheter. The procedure is brief and typically painless, oftentimes finalized within minutes. We at Isha Women's Hospital follow a very advanced procedure of IUI which involves use of special catheters for performing this procedure which makes this procedure of IUI at Isha, absolutely painless!

5. Post-Procedure Care: Post-insemination, the patient may rest momentarily before resuming standard activities. patient is gives medcines for luteal support and Confirmation of pregnancy is sought two weeks post-procedure via a pregnancy test. Dr. Chinmay Pataki at Isha Women's Hospital strongly recommends all patients undergoing IUI treatment at Isha Women Hospital to lead a very active lifestyle after the IUI procedure and he does not recommend bedrest after IUI.

Benefits of IUI

IUI presents several noteworthy benefits as a fertility intervention:

- Minimally Invasive: Relative to treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), IUI entails fewer invasive procedures.
- Cost-Effective: In general, IUI is more financially accessible than IVF, presenting a feasible option for many couples.
- Reduced Medication Requirement: IUI often necessitates fewer medicines, thereby diminishing adverse effects.
- Mimics Natural Conception : IUI parallels the natural conception process, which can be reassuring for many couples.

What to Expect

While IUI's procedural simplicity is notable, it is imperative to maintain realistic expectations regarding variable success rates influenced by factors such as patient age, underlying fertility etiology, and overall health status:

Success Rates: IUI's success rate ranges from 18-22% per cy

Short Description

what should you know before staring IUI treatment at Isha Women's Hospital ?